Learn. Develop. Achieve.

Your platform for skills development


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19 000+



Say that competence is the company's
The most important question

YOHRS platform

Give your employees the freedom to develop and strengthen their skills with YOHRS platform. Explore our comprehensive collection of 19,000 online courses in finance, project management, IT, communications, leadership, sales, marketing and more. Our wide range gives you the opportunity to tailor your learning to your needs, at any time.


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Develop your skills wherever and whenever you want.


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Why is competence development important?

Did you know that?

90% of all companies worldwide have competence as the most important strategic question
That all industries around the world are, in one way or another, undergoing a shift in competence
50% of today's workforce would prefer to develop their skills through online education
58% of today's workforce say they would be very likely to stay with their employer if retraining and competence development were offered

Knowledge Bank

Read all our articles here
Why online education is the future of business education

Why online education is the future of business education

At a time when digital transformation is being accelerated by global events, online education for businesses has sailed up as a solution not only for the sake of necessity but also for its wide-ranging benefits. Companies worldwide are discovering the power of leveraging a skills platform to empower their workforce, making online training a central part of the future of business education.
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YOHRS: A Key to Enterprise Development and Management of AI

YOHRS: A Key to Enterprise Development and Management of AI

In today's digital era, companies and organizations are more dependent on technology than ever before. With the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), the landscape of business development has changed significantly. Adapting to this change and effectively managing AI developments is critical to the success and survival of companies.
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YOHRS - Personnel development for companies of the future

YOHRS - Personnel development for companies of the future

In the rapidly changing work environment, YOHRS has initiated an innovative approach to meet the needs of companies through online training for workforce development. By offering tailored and flexible training programs, the platform enables an adaptation to the specific requirements and objectives of the company.
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